About High Tide Press Publisher
Sharing the philosophy, principles, and practices of person-centered leadership through publications, teaching, and learning media.
In the early 1990s, the idea of creating a publishing house devoted to bolstering the knowledge and understanding of staff working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities emerged from the leadership group of Trinity Services, Inc.
In 1995, the idea became a reality when the Board of Directors of the Trinity Foundation established High Tide Press Publishing.
The name High Tide Press reflects that it is at high tide that the sea reaches its highest level. High tide helps ships to reach shore more easily.
Today, High Tide Press publishes books, training materials, interactive learning materials, and other digital media products for professionals and administrators in human services, health care, non-profit management, government agencies, and the community.
The purpose of High Tide Press is to enhance the lives of people with disabilities. We do that by publishing best and promising practices, promoting a productive, positive work culture, inspiring quality leadership performance, and introducing positive psychology to those working with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Our authors are professional practitioners and leaders in their disciplines or area of expertise. In addition to our original target audience of developmental disability professionals, our readership has grown to include parents and guardians, academics, other stakeholders, and the general public.
High Tide Press sells other carefully chosen titles and media products. All proceeds benefit persons served by Trinity Services.
Trinity Services, Inc. is a non-sectarian, non-profit human services organization serving people with mental illness, the homeless, and people with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Illinois. Headquartered in New Lenox, Illinois, Trinity Services has made people’s lives more wonderful for over 70 years.
Anne Ward
Director of Publications
High Tide Press