A New Plan is the big news at High Tide this season. In development for a few lifetimes, the manuscript was honed and polished over the last two years by Thane and Art Dykstra, both expert practitioners and leaders in the field. Each is contributing their royalties to Trinity Foundation for support of people with developmental and intellectual disabilities. All profits at retail go the same way. A New Plan revisits Person-Centered planning and adds several new dimensions to its long-established effectiveness. We know Person-Centered planning done well works. We also know that A New Plan builds a more robust platform with the addition of Positive Psychology. A New Plan is a book that every manager, team leader, and case manager should have for study and reference. Please head over to anewplan.org to learn more and to order your copy. Bulk copies are available for your whole crew. Yes, you can also purchase it in Kindle format on Amazon.

Getting IT Done Right

We’re trusting you to keep this our secret (but not for too long). Soon to be available is A New Plan companion phone and tablet app. Now those supported always have their plan with them to review and change as they wish. In the book, you’ll see an exciting and practical new way of organizing a person’s plan’s critical issues. Called My Plan To Flourish, now in paper, will soon also be available in a fun and easy to use application. It is a smile maker for people supported and the team assisting them in achieving their plan. Watch for the initial first phase release in short order. This first app is ready to be filled with the Plan to Flourish information and be used, reviewed, and shared daily. Coming soon in the next phase is a cloud-based dashboard for remotely updating info and monitoring various progress markers. Sign up for this newsletter to be among the first to get information on this groundbreaking new Person-Centered Planning system.

An important new book in 2020 is Getting IT Done Right by Vincent Pettinelli. Unlike general management books, Getting IT Done Right focuses on the unique issues that we deal with every day in the world of human services. This book is an invaluable guide for any human services manager or employee stepping into leadership. Human services leaders are called on to navigate challenges not commonly found in other fields and Vince has seen many of them in his years as a human services leader. Print & Kindle at amazon. Quantity pricing for classes and staff.  

IARF.org Annual Conference

Author Speak:
Art Dykstra visited with Connie Melvin, Director of NAQ, on a recent podcast to discuss new approaches to Person-Centered planning. Mr. Dykstra is CEO of Cherry Hill Consulting group and co-author with his son, Thane, of A New Plan. The hour-long session gave the viewers a good background on Person-Centered Planning and a glimpse of what lies ahead.

In the past few months, Art spoke at Illinois – IARF – to introduce fresh person-centered ideas from A New Plan. In October, he gave the Council on Quality and Leadership Conference audience a preview of the then not yet published book. You can drop in on that full 55minute session on anewplan.org – and YouTube and Vimeo. 

Mr. Dykstra is not only a prolific writer but also busy producing videos designed to get you thinking. Gets us thinking too. That you and your staff will enjoy them. Over at CherryHillConsultingGroup.com, take a look at the series of Quick Thought Videos. Clocking in at only 60 seconds, they are fun to watch while delivering a thought-provoking nugget for you to ponder.

Art also made a pointed video reminding everyone to mask up, social distance, and scrub those hands. In the video Art emphatically tells us to STOP IT!, meaning COVID. You can see the video on the front page of Cherry Hill Consulting Group, and Facebook as well.

Thane and Art Dykstra will also be Keynote Speakers at the 45th Annual IARF Educational Conference – Meeting the Challenge – Nov. 10th, 11th, 17th, & 18th.  iarf.org for details.

Inquiry to Insight - Dialogue Deck

New Content under development at High Tide:
This year we revisited and re-designed our Dialogue Deck (and discussion guide) on Abuse and Neglect. We’ve added some new graphics, packaging and made the discussion guide easier to handle and read. From Inquiry to Insight is a best-seller program for High Tide Press. It is in use by Human Rights Committees across the country as part of the ongoing training and development process. You’ll find the Dialogue Deck and our top-selling book entitled Human Rights Committees over at CherryHillHighTide.com, where all profits benefit those supported by Trinity Services.

Coming attractions include a new Dialogue Deck for Leadership Development. Following the same format of a deck of 52 dialogue cards with a facilitator guide, this latest dialogue deck is full of questions to guide leadership and management toward new insights and solutions. Watch this newsletter for release information.

Our writers and producers and video crew are busy with a new series of video programs on Person-Centered Language. Partially underwritten by the Mentor Foundation, this series dramatizes the difference between not using and properly using person-centered language. The video series shows how we can improve the way we speak as we demonstrate respect and enhance self-esteem for those we serve. Stay tuned to this newsletter to be among the first to know.

Developmental Disabilities Nursing Association – DDNA –  is updating its book of IDD Nursing Standards. High Tide Press is working with DDNA on design and will be publishing the new volume in the next month or so. Sign up for this newsletter to keep your Nurses in the loop.

KINDLE is busting’ out. We’ve been adding newer books to Kindle as well as digging into the vault to get some of our treasures in the Kindle spotlight – You can now find these titles on Amazon Kindle: A New Plan, ADHD and Coexisting Conditions, Different Seasons, Getting It Done Right, Gossip-You Won’t Believe This, Human Rights Committee, Imperfect Alternatives, Jumping Off The Not So Merry Go Round, Lessons in Grief and Death, Positive Organizational Culture, Reading and Self-Esteem, Scanning the Horizon, The Pipe Wrench Theory of Power, Universal Enhancement, Working With Challenging Behaviors – and there are more on the way.

Thank you for reading this far. We hope you’ve enjoyed learning more about what is on deck at High Tide Press. Do check out some of the good reads mentioned here and others that you’ll find over at CherryHillHighTide.com

We look forward to you joining the newsletter and sharing your thoughts on leadership and learning media to help you achieve your important mission.

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